Superstitions, Ghost Stories & Urban Myths
(Warren Fahey) I was raised as a rationalist and skeptic. It’s in my nature to doubt and question. Ghost stories, superstitions and urban myths are stock-in-trade for folklorists. I acknowledge and thank Robb Tilley for contributing the following lengthy study. Readers are invited to contribute their ghostly stories – old and recent – and they will appear at the end of this section.
Australia boasts many stories of the supernatural – haunted houses, wandering ghosts, places where your skin will chill and creep and, of course, urban myths that we pass around with glee. Ghost stories are ages old and, like much lore, are often cyclical. Of course, to work best, ghost stories require a certain complicity between the teller and the listener. Initially these stories survived in the oral tradition but over time, and influenced by our dramatic changes in entertainment, they have become increasingly reliant on electronic transmission, mainly via email.
Much folklore tends to be an exaggeration of what actually happened, but the supernatural goes that bit further. Indeed some supernatural claims appear to be steeped in a historical event. The well-known story of Fisher’s Ghost in Sydney’s West grew out of an actual event however, the ghost part of the story is purely the work of a creative mind. Or is it?
Australians are as supernatural as any modern society. Not surprisingly, countries with active religion, especially Catholicism, like Ireland and Latin territories, have more ghost stories. Sydney was built by Irish and British settlers, and many of our haunted sites go back over 200 years. That isn’t to say that new ghosts are shunned – they are not, and just as many new sightings are recorded as old.
The Edwardian and Victorian eras saw a large interest in the supernatural and spiritualism. Seances were extremely popular as relatives attempted to make contact with loved ones who had died in battle or disease. Spiritualism was particularly active in the later nineteenth century, coinciding with worldwide interest. Sydney, especially in the first quarter of the twentieth century, saw the growth of the Liberal Catholic Church (no relation to the Roman Catholic Church) and the Theosophical Society – both had a defined interest in seances, astral travel and the like. At one stage, the Theosophical Society held the license for Radio station 2GB. Annie Bessant, a world leader of the Society, visited Sydney and there was even a time when followers believed that God was to appear ‘in person’ at Balmoral Beach and a visit there today will show evidence of the site. Sadly he or she failed to make the deadline.
Australian Ghosts
Quinns Light | a yellowish eagle shaped light appears called Quinns Light named after John Quinn the first man to see it. It is situated near the Go Go Billy ranges in the Daudaman Valley. |
Pollmann | The Murdering Sandhills near Narrandera NSW. The sound of a ghostly wagon is heard regularly and is said to be that of a man called Pollmann who had hidden a large amount of money and was then murdered by three brothers who were hawkers in the area. |
Trotting Cob | A headless horseman who holds his head between his ribs an elbow as he rides a snow white horse through the Riverina. |
Yarralumla | A man is seen digging under a tree. Apparently he is looking for the diamond dropped there by a convict who had stolen it from a Mr. James Cobbitty in 1826. In 1842 the stone was discovered but whilst on his way to Sydney his man, an aborigine, swallowed the stone for safe keeping however he was shot by bushrangers and buried under a tree. |
martinet major | martinet major in Monaro area. Known for mistreating his convicts. One day a convict revolted and threw stones at the major. He was promptly hanged. His ghost came back to haunt the major cattle were released at midnight, bells were rung at odd hours and a ghost would appear at the foot of his bed singing bawdy songs. He eventually returned to England. |
the black horse of Sutton’s Forest | A riderless horse known as the black horse of Sutton’s Forest. It was regarded as a sign of coming disaster. It has been known to pass right through houses. |
Gerringong Ghost | A local identity, an Englishman, was known to always carry a goodly sum of gold sovereigns with him. He was seen drinking at the local Kiama pub and was quite drunk. Two men offered to take him home plus his sheepdog. He was never seen again. Some time later a man was camped in the bush near Gerringong and was woken by a noise. he looked up and saw a dead man with a sheep dog licking his bloody face. Beyond the man he saw two men laughing and talking about the 40 coins they had stolen. Next day the man reported the apparition and police discovered the man’s burnt body of the Englishman and his dog at the same site. They are said to still haunt the spot. |
Bullimba House ghost | home of former Premier A E Moore has a door-knocking ghost |
Mornington Ghost | Mornington has a house where footsteps are heard |
Ghost of Prospect Hall | Ghost Prospect Hall Adelaide has the ghostly carriage, which drives up to the door. A woman in white silk gets out, walks up to the door and proceeds to peer in any uncurtained window. Then disappears. |
Elizabeth Farm ghost | Old lady who walks from room to room |
Davis the pearl buyer | The residence of the Anglican bishop of Broome has the ghost of a well-known Pearl buyer called Davis who died 1913. He was a Jew who acted as rabbi and the bishops house was originally his home. Recent bishops have seen him attired in robes and hat. |
Polly McQuinn | Strathbogie near Euralla has the ghost of Polly McQuinn who appears at a certain waterhole that carries her name she drowned there accidentally in the early days. |
Richmond Bridge ghost | Richmond Bridge Tas has a headless man an overseer who was cruel and was subsequently murdered by convicts and thrown in the river. |
ghost of Gov House Hobart | Government House Hobart has a ghost whom appears calling out a quarter past eleven, a quarter past eleven. |
Ghost of Dog Trap Road, Parramatta | This ghost was a hoax invented by larrikins of the Stone Push who frequented Stoners Vauxhill inn during the 187o’s “They used to go out after nightfall & one of their number, attired in a white sheet, would place himself in a position to be seen.” They were finally caught by three young men- one a merchant of Crown Street, Parramatta, & given a good horse whipping”. |
The House in Lane Cove | A house in Lane Cove was believed to be haunted by a poltergeist in the late 50s. The owner, Mr McDougall said, A little later we were just sitting in here and suddenly the fire irons started swaying to and fro. My brother thought a draught might be causing it but the irons kept moving. Then he thought a loose floorboard might be causing it but no. The irons were moving by themselves which was very unsettling. Another strange thing happened whenever my brother set the dining table for dinner. It happened so often it was strange he would automatically set one extra place. It was said the early owners of the 110-year-old house had lost a daughter down a well on the property and she kept returning. [Source: 1958 Woman’s Day] |
Spooky New South Wales
The Australian Folklore Unit site receives a steady traffic of around 50,000 visitors a month and for some unexplainable reason lately I have been receiving a lot of ghost stories. Australians are definitely a superstitious lot but I thought ghost sightings were in decline. Apparently not – the dead are obviously alive and well.
‘Jenny’ contacted me about a mischievous ghost in her sister-in-law’s house at Mt Druitt.
“Since moving into her home she has had many strange experiences including the microwave turning on and off, the kettle moving along the kitchen bench. Two weeks ago she asked her 11-year old son to move the heater up the hallway. He was walking down the hallway to do this when the heater actually came too him! This was the icing on the cake for her and at this point she packed up and fled the house.”
Another spooky story came from the Upper Hunter where a nursing sister contacted me to relate a similar haunting.
“We had moved into an old school house that had been disused for several years and my husband had been renovating. We’d been there for three weeks when I came home from work and being exhausted went upstairs to the spare bedroom for a nap while my husband was entertaining a mate in the kitchen. I’d only been in the bed for fifteen minutes when it started to shake violently, really violently. I was bouncing all over the place and terrified. My husband suggested it was probably an old hot water pipe but there was no piping in that room.We scratched our heads and let it be but two weeks later the same thing happened to him. Neither of us has been superstitious but we definitely ‘felt’ something in the old house. A week later we went out to dinner and came home to find the house still locked and a side-table had moved to the very centre of the living room. Nothing was damaged, nobody had been in the room but the table had moved to the very centre. This was really strange and starting to concern us. One of the sisters at the hospital suggested we talk to the Bishop of Newcastle. He arranged for a priest to visit the house to perform an exorcism. We haven’t been troubled since.”
Fact or fiction? No one knows but our State’s history is full of haunted houses, especially hotels and old buildings, and also legends of roadside apparitions, roving panthers and other strange sightings.
Peter Konnecke contacted me to tell of Sydney tale.
“Legend has it that on Sunday nights the ghost of a young woman appears standing in the middle of the road near the Deep Creek bridge on Wakehurst Parkway at Narrabeen (Sydney). The story was relayed to me by several different (unconnected) people who I knew in the early to mid 1980’s. Many of us thought it might have been the ghost of Trudie Adams who disappeared without trace in the late 70’s from the Newport Surf Club. But some variants of this story say it’s the ghost of a nurse killed in ad M.V.A. on her way home from a shift at Mona Vale Hospital. She is supposed to stand still and then you drive right through her only to look in the rear vision mirror to see her behind you. I got that tingling up my spine telling you this one …. funny about that feeling isn’t it.”
Another contributor wrote of a North Shore legend from St. Ives.
“The Garigal National Park, between St. Ives and Belrose, used to go by the name “Bungaroo”, presumably of Native Australian origin, and there was a camping site on Bare Creek on the Belrose side of Middle Harbour Creek. As kids we used to be regaled by horrific tales of what would happen to us if we were caught by the “Bungarooster”, a huge carnivorous Yeti like monster that preyed on small children who strayed off the beaten path or fire trails which were accessible to all back in the mid-fifties.”
Earlier this year I did a media run following a sighting, the umpteen, of the fabled ‘Penrith Panther’. This large, cat-like creature has been sighted right across the lower Blue Mountains area for many years. Even the State Premier, Nathan Rees, commented that because of the sheer number of sightings “There might be something in it.” For the record these sightings have been doing the rounds since WW2 and also get circulated in West Australia, Tasmania and Victoria. The one likely source is the fact that an American division, stationed in Victoria, had a panther as a mascot and, when instructed to destroy it, they released it in the Grampian National Forest. Some say the panther (it was actually a cougar) was pregnant (to what I ask?) and her offspring still roam the forest. All I can say is – keep looking!
I tend to be a skeptic but I am always interested in legends and stories of the supernatural because I know they were so much a part of the old storytelling repertoires. Kids certainly like to be scared and I note that one of the best-selling books and films in the current teenage market is ‘Twilight’, a vampire trilogy. There is also a similar book for adults, ‘Let The Right One In’ that dishes out a spooky 21st century vampire story.
The only real supernatural story carried in my own family was one told by my mother’s family. Apparently my grandmother, Polly Phillips, woke up screaming at exactly 2.45 one morning during WW2. She told my grandfather that Jack, one of her seven sons, (a tail gunner) had been shot down and was in the sea. Sure enough, the family was notified that Jack’s plane had gone down at exactly 2.45 am (and he had survived).
I’d be happy to add any spooky stories from readers. Please contact me.
Spooky Tales
There’s a ghost in the house. | My first story involves incidents that occurred when I was in my early teens and living in my grandparents home in Campsie. This was in the early to mid 60s. My grandfather died in front bedroom of the house in 1957. The house was from an era where there were no indoor toilets. Our toilet was approximately 15-20 metres from the back door of the house. The house had a number of those light switches that were operated by pulling a cord. These cords had a plastic bead at the end for weight and there was such a cord just inside the back door. My brothers, sister and I often experienced something strange when we were in the toilet. Although we knew the house was empty and the back door secured, we could often hear the cord being rattled against the architrave – the same sound that occurred whenever we turned the lights on or off. When we returned to the house the sound would stop and there was no breeze present that could have caused such an event. Other strange occurrences involved the sudden opening of a door leading from the hallway to the lounge room where we would be sitting watching television and the sudden opening of a holland blind. The blind would just fly up all of a sudden for no reason and without any obvious fault in the mechanism. None of these events ever caused us any real concern as we just put it down to our grandfather letting us know his spirit was present. A more recent experience occurred in our present home in Beverley Park. About 10 or so years ago, my wife or I would feel a presence in our bedroom – usually very late at night when we had been asleep for some time. The presence would cause one of us to wake and for a brief moment we could see the image of a young girl in a nightdress standing at our bedroom door. As soon as we opened our eyes fully, the image would disappear. At first we thought it was our younger daughter who was about 5 years old at the time but then we realised it was some form of spirit. The young girl never moved or made any sound. She just stood there. We have no idea who she was or why she appeared and we haven’t seen the image for some years now. I trust these events may be of interest to you. Yours faithfully, Patrick McMahon |
The sexy ghost | Eleven years ago, in one of those huge Victorian terraces common to the area, I was enjoying – or I should say enduring – my first university share house at 50 Great Buckingham St, Redfern. The house seemed to be perpetually teeming with malice & tumult as people variously shagged, fought, got pregnant, broke up, & sued for child maintenance in a most unedifying display of jealousy & greed. I can duly report that although I certainly held my own in the shagging department at the time, happily, unwanted pregnancy was not something I was forced to contend with. Your correspondent’s aforementioned study behaviour took place in a small room at the back of the house that we affectionately called “the meatlocker”. It was always bloody cold & got virtually no light, but it was my first bedroom away from the parental home and hey, I tried to make the most of it. I became aware that something wasn’t quite right with this cosy little love nest when, after a torrid session with one of my paramours, strange faces apparently began appearing on the ceiling. Anticipating waves of warm post-coital joy, my lover was instead becoming very distressed with these unwanted guests (I couldn’t see them) & promptly left the house in a disheveled hurry. I made a mental note to check for bi-polar & schizophrenic tendencies in future sexual partners. Several weeks later, and with a different partner, much the same thing happened. This time however, the complaint was about the red light seeping under the door…again, post-coitus, I was abandoned by a seriously-spooked chick. At this point I was still not seeing any evidence of what struck me as some fairly passive/aggresive bullshit from the spirit world. Then it happened. On a normal mid-week night, at about 10.30pm, I went to bed alone. I was not drunk, nor had I consumed any drugs (& nor was I a regular user at the time; that would come much later – after about four consecutive Howard election victories). I must have been in bed for about 5 minutes when I heard a growl into my ear (I kid you not). I opened my eyes to see a stumpy, grotesque man with a hat standing over me as I lay in bed. The figure was opaque but clearly male, and a very, very bad motherfucker. I did what any white-kid-from-the-suburbs would do & pulled the doona over my head and thought about how Mum’s great cooking, and what a stupid idea this living away from home caper was. Really though, I was shit-scared : the ghost was dead ringer for Stan Zemanek (OK, I made that part up). Anyway, the house broke up shortly thereafter but not before further incidents of doors opening & closing by themselves, lights going on & off – you get the picture, this place was seriously ‘troubled’. As we were moving out I mentioned this to the real estate agent. Guess what? Apparently there had been a violent stabbing double-murder there in the 20’s and the place had a rep for being like, totally haunted, dude. Although I was well-pissed that this crucial detail had not appeared in the original advertisement, it was at least some comfort to know that poor sexual technique was not blame for the disappearing women. The funny thing is, they’ve kept disappearing ever since….hahaha Well, that’s about it Warren. I’ve told this story dozens of times over the years & although I’ve peppered it with little gags in this telling, it is entirely true. Hope you can use it. Best regards, Darren Moffatt PS: I’ve not had a chance to check the accuracy of the double-murder claim, but I’m sure you may be able to find some reference in the SMH archives . |
The Rattling Bed and house decorating ghost of ‘Greenheyes’ | When we bought the old house, about 20 years ago, it was a shambles and had been abandoned for some time. There was hardly any furniture and it was on two levels. One night soon after we had moved in my husband had a friend over and they were downstairs talking late in the evening. I had been working and was tired so went to the attic bedroom to get away from the noise. It was about 2am and I was trying to get to sleep when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but the footsteps kept coming for what seemed a very long time – I assumed it was my husband trying to get me to join them downstairs. I turned the light on and waited and then the bed started to shake really violently. I was knocking my head against the wall and my feet were hitting the bed end. It shook for about a minute and I was truly terrified. I thought I might have been having a fit! (I’m a trained nurse). I didn’t know what it was but I had the feeling it was a woman shaking the bed a female presence – I also thought it might happen again – and it did! This time I hung on to the edge of the bed but it still shook violently – I kept trying to work out what it was – possibly the hot water system? When my husband inspected the bed he found that all the screws had become loose from the shaking. But it wasn’t anywhere near the pipes. It had to be a ghost. Anyway, about a week later (from the first shaking) another weird thing happened. We have a corner table in the living room and on it there’s a flat bowl with pot-pouri. I had gone to work one day at the hospital and when I came home the plate was smashed in the very centre of the room. It could not have been the cat as he was locked outside. What made it strange is that the plate was in the very centre of the room and had obviously been lifted into the air and dropped. But by what? The house is pre 1868 and was once a hostel for shell-shocked soldiers and, prior to that, the house of the district magistrate. Anyway, eventually we had a sister at the hospital who knew a priest in Newcastle who visited the house, blessed it and we haven’t had anything strange happen since. Mrs Rosie McDuie |
The night visitor from Old Government Farm | My sister once attended a seance at the house of her ex-fiance’s mother’s friend, in the mid 1980s. The house was adjacent to the site of Old Government Farm at Castle Hill, down the hill west of Oakhill College. The friend, Peggy, claimed to be psychic and that she had sometimes seen a male figure in colonial dress- either the full figure or the top half, walking in or standing in the house, particularly in doorways. My sister is a very matter-of-fact person and is not much into ghosties. The friend, Peggy, is also your standard WASP, tell-it-like-it-is type of lady. My sister said the seance itself was the most eerie thing she has ever experienced, and it made her convinced that there are things we can’t explain. During the seance they heard the voice of a man who said his name was John and the definite feeling of a very real presence. It wasn’t frightening, just really unsettling as she could not figure out how or why Peggy would be able to “set it up” and fake it. She was utterly convinced there was no explanation for what she heard and felt. There were other details but I forget them now- there was a full name and other details I think like he was a teacher. Anyhoo Peggy then went to the Mitchell Library to research Old Government Farm and surrounds, and looked up the name she had been given by the ghost. Sure enough, she found that there really was a teacher with that name, and some of the other details matched up, too. Spooky, and cool. My same no-nonsense sister had a new “most eerie thing I have ever experienced” experience more recently in her family holiday cabin on the Hawkesbury River, near Windsor. She woke through the night to see torchlight and a male figure leaning over her oldest son’s bunk. She thought it was her husband but realised that he wasn’t as big as her husband AND that her husband was still in bed beside her. She quickly woke her husband, and got up to check her son- the male figure had completely vanished, with no sign or sound, and her son, who is a notoriously restless sleeper, who always kicks the covers on to the ground, was neatly tucked into his bunk. Again- spooky, and cool. Best wishes with your research, Leonie Atkinson 8th Nov 04 |
Be careful of the flowers | It was spring in 1997. walking from Lindfield station to home on Provincial road. it was a lovely springy day, birds chirping, flowers greeting people along the way home. there it was, a beautiful bush with pink flowers. as the bush overspill across the house fence so i thought it would be fine to pick just two pink flowers to brighten up my study desk as i was not, technically, trespassing. that very same night, i had this strange dream. i dreamt of two caucacians men, both holding onto my arms on each side as if they were taking Ned Kelly to meet his destiny. they brought me to front this tablet with Asian type of wordings on it. The man on my right pointed to the floor, never once they spoke but i understood what he wanted me to do, it was as if they communicated with me telepathy. he wanted me to kneel in front of the tablet and kowtow three times. And just like scary movies, after the three kowtows, poof, i woke up! Standing in front of mirror whilst changing the next morning, i noticed the hand prints (not red, but blue black like those you bumped yourself into something and stayed for a few days type of blue black marks) on both of my arms. you might say that i might have hold myself while dreaming. But trust me, the position of the hand prints, it is impossible to do that to yourself unless you are elastic man. Since then, i never picked another flower be it cultivated or wild ones. I praised their beauty their scent but never never pluck them away from their roots again. All i can gather from the dream is that the flowers’ spirits wanted me to apologise for my action. but the thing i cannot understand is why caucacians spirit guards and why an shinto type of tablet (u know those with little cupboards japanese tablets)? as far as i know, that house is not owned by Asian family. I hope this personal experience interests you. it is a true experience cross my heart and swear to GOD. cheers, Rachael T Maroubra, nsw P.S. those hand prints didn’t fade away for good one week, usually blue black marks hurts when you touch them, but these blue black hand prints didn’t hurt at all. why don’t they hurt judging the amount of squeeze you need to exert to create those hand prints? |
Haunted terrace in Surry Hills | Rev Kay wasn’t quite sure what to say or do when a young woman contacted him saying that there was a ghost in her house – things kept moving, lights and electrical appliances went on and off, etc…. He visited the young woman at her old Elizabeth St terrace, heard her story, then thought he would investigate a bit further (just to see if she was crazy, I guess). He asked one of the neighbours, “Is there anything unusual about the house next door?” “Oh, no,” replied the neighbour, “everything there is pretty normal, except for the ghost of course!” Even though he was not one to believe in such things, Rev Kay felt that the young woman could do with some sort of help. On his next visit, he asked the student minister, Gavin Wilcox, to join him. They decided to go up to the woman’s bedroom, since that was where most of the “activity” happened. The weather had been fine when they first arrived at the house , but just as they started to pray an almighty thunderstorm hit right overhead. (I was driving at the time and had a view of the city The sky turned quite an unusual shade of green in the area around Central Station. Rev Kay had told me of this appointment and I remember thinking, “WOW, that’s some powerful prayer meeting going on”). Now the weather may have been “just a coincidence”, but the seeming special effects really impressed all in attendance. After the prayers the girl was not bothered again by the ghost and Rev Kay now has a somewhat less sceptical approach to the supernatural. Yours sincerely Margaret Fox |
Old Government House Parramatta | Visitors to the room often find they have difficulty breathing, some cannot even enter the room. Others get an overwhelming feeling of a “bad” spirit or “Evil” in the room. There have also been reports of drops in temperature and cold spots in and around the corner where the violence is reported to have happened. The Blue Room would be the most haunted and most troubled of all the rooms in Government House. Of course it’s not just the Blue Room that is haunted. I felt a very strong feeling of some strange presence in one of the lower rooms. The air had a feel to it that others could also pick up on. Listed here are a few of the other sightings reported by both the staff of Government house and the visitors: A guardian on duty in the old dining room met a ghostly servant girl standing by the dining table. The ghostly figure dressed in costume appeared quite content to chat. No one knows what the two said to each other the guardian is now deceased and can no longer tell the full story. One of the managers of Government House often heard voices coming from the old dining room. The voices always stopped as soon as she entered the room. On a ghost tour one night a group with a guide were gathered in a room when a wraith circled around the outside of the group and exited out the doorway into the long dark hallway. A guide was letting a couple out one of the back doors, as he was saying good bye he could see a ghostly figure of a man standing in the hallway just near him. Once again during the ghost tour a ghost was spotted standing in the corner of the cellar whilst the groups of visitors were upstairs enjoying their supper. One visitor one night reported of her legs having the feeling of being whipped across the backs of them. A visitor felt herself being pushed/forced forward from the back of her neck whilst standing outside near where the convict huts used to be. As soon as she stepped forward the feeling stopped. Government House is also the site of the first reported UFO sighting in Australia. In the early 1800’s one of the workers was out in the field just near Old Government House – he reported of seeing an “ark” in the sky. He said he was abducted by this “ark” taken up into it and later woke up back in the field. This was before planes were invented. Could he have seen a UFO and been abducted? Old Government House is located at: Parramatta Park Pitt and Macquarie Streets, Parramatta Australia |
Little Girl with Pigtails. | When I was 8 and my sister 10 we were going to bed one night and had just cleaned our teeth. My sister went to her bedroom and I went to mine and we waited, as usual, for mom to come up and tuck us in. My sister asked mom “who was the little girl with the pigtails and dressed in the pretty blue dress?”. My mother asked me if I had been wearing a blue dress and I said no I had gone straight to bed, which I had. It was really strange |
Very cold hands | Popular ghost story involved waking in middle of the night with very cold throat. Ghost is strangling the person. Next day they have red marks around throat. |
The Hero Of Waterloo Ghost and the Ghost of Galston Gorge | I am sure I am not providing new information by telling you that there is reputedly a female ghost in the cellar of the Hero of Waterloo Hotel in the Rocks – apparently the victim of foul play in the 19th century. She featured in a walking tour of the area I did a number of years ago. But I don’t wish to assume. I am sure the publican will assist. Another story is of a ghost who perches on an overhanging rock along the road down into Galston Gorge from the west. We were told of this over 30 years ago when I was around 20 years old. ‘Friend of a friend of a friend’ stuff – but there may be something to it. I believe the ghost was male, but have no idea of its history, manner of death or reason for being there (other than, perhaps, just to provide a story to amuse young people in cars late at night on a dark, winding road. Hope this helps. Gary Squire |
“Hilton”, 278 Liverpool Street | “Hilton”, 278 Liverpool Street has a resident ghost. I have seen it, and my housecleaners did, as did some people living here before I bought this house in 1980. Oddly enough the part of the house where it has mostly been seen, was home to Michael Feller for a few years. And he never saw it. Robin Gibson |
The Mysterious Stones | ‘The “Mudgee Independent” reported that the Lang family who lived 24 miles from Cooyal were being troubled by falling stones. According to the family the stones would fall through the roof or float through the air without the slightest warning, Mrs Lang said when a stone fell on the floor it fell with a dull thud & appeared to be black in colour”. When asked if the stones had ever hit anyone she replied that some of her children had been struck but never very hard. They described it as being as if a small bag of feathers had struck them. On the first evening Mr Lang was returning home with a bag of flour on a pack horses – on approaching the house the animal showed reluctance to proceed further. On being unpacked he immediately bolted. At that moment the stones started to tall for the first time. During the evening & on each successive evening from 5pm till 9 or 10 pm the stones continued to fall. On several occasions they floated into thehouse -sometimes in a diagonal position -at other times horizontally . One evening a flat stone floated in at the door, struck a kerosene lamp on table, turned and knocked against half a dozen plates causing them to roll to the floor, fortunately nothing was broken. The stones, although not seen by the reporter were said to be about 5″ in diameter, nearly circular in shape & flat…’ |
A Ghost Guide to Sydney | Of course both my hearses have a well documented history of strange occurrences too, with people feeling weird, or very cold, or very hot, getting touched and so on, but apart from that, here’s a few in brief that are mentioned on my tour but are not in his book. Tusculum House, Manning St Potts Point: Security guards are often called out to check alarms going off but there is nothing there. I was with psychic Debbie Malone one time when she told me she saw a lady (ghost) on the balcony dressed as a nurse. She didn’t know until later when I told her, that Tusculum House was once a nursing home. East Sydney Technical College (former Darlinghurst Gaol): When we stop the hearse outside the Forbes St gates, people in the hearse very often feel tightness around the throat or neck, get a feeling of constriction, have trouble swallowing or even gasp for breath. This is where the hangings originally took place (1840’s), and as soon as we drive away from that spot they feel ok again. I’ve spoken to a security guard there who has confirmed that some of the other guards have experienced things such as lights going on and off unexplainably. Their own website mentions a head without a body seen in the staff toilet block which is built on the spot where the permanent gallows (1870’s) was built. I’ve spoken to staff that have confirmed the ghosts there and don’t like to be there at night. Kilmory, Wentworth St, Point Piper: Originally a residence for a well known dr, built in 1915. Then for many years owned by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Owned for a couple of years from 1999 by Rodney Adler (FAI Insurance) but now undergoing redevelopment. A number of psychic people on the tour have felt the presence of nuns when we have stopped by the main gate…we believe it’s occupied by the ghosts of the nuns that lived there when it included a dormitory that Adler demolished. Mortuary Station near Redfern: Purpose built train station to take the departed to Rookwood. The psychics on the tour all say there’s a lot of activity there. They see young girls in white dresses, an old lady on the platform pushing a Victorian era pram, and you will often feel the different atmosphere by simply putting your hand through the gate. The air there is colder and you feel pin pricks through your fingers. I’ve seen many pictures taken there that have orbs (balls of light or energies) in them. Haunted Hyatt: This one’s not mentioned on the tour because we don’t have time, however: Millenium Hotel (formerly Hyatt Hotel. KX): Room 1247, a man awoke to a female spirit completely overpowering him and he could actually see the face hovering 8″ in front of his face. It was terrifying with bright red eyes and a red glow all around it. He was in such shock after the “attack” that he went to the desk and demanded another room. The desk clerk scoffed and said he thought the guy had been hallucinating. A few months later the man read in the paper that John Farnham had been in the same room and had the same experience! Former Children’s Orphanage now part of the Uni of Western Sydney in their grounds at Parramatta: On our Parramatta tour several persons have claimed to see the ghost of a young child in the windows. Several security guards have confirmed this to me personally also. Gore Hill Cemetery: Sometimes we’ve been to the Gore Hill Cemetery. You can notice a definite coldness as you go through the Leach Gate there into the old Catholic section. It makes the hair on your arm stand up. I’ve seen many strange photos taken there. One time we were there with a psychic who said that a ghost of a convict was following us around. Another time someone on the tour heard a baby crying. We looked down and there was the grave of a young child! Regards Allan |
Supernatural Case Studies
The following first hand accounts of the supernatural are included here on this site courtesy of Robb Tilley who sent me these case studies. Robb prepared the paper and participated in the investigations. ….Warren Fahey
ABSTRACT: The spirit hypothesis that individual consciousness survives physical death and can be communicated with by living persons, especially by spirit mediums, as well as by discarnate entities is evidenced in this paper.
This research, covering a seven-year period, details eight cases where spiritualist were completely successful in bringing to an end hautings and poltergeist disturbances. The research also details a further eight cases where spiritualists were unsuccessful, due primarily to the psychological state of those seeking help.
The procedure that spiritualists use to clear hauntings and poltergeists is as follows: .
- Firstly visit the site of the disturbance, usually a house, and interview the living persons about their experiences, the chronological order of events and the frequency at which they occur.
- Secondly, through questioning the individual persons discover which individual person is psychically sensitive or who seems to be the focus of the disturbances, sometimes there is no individual focus.At this point a pattern will emerge, usually the disturbance has been ongoing for some years before it reaches crisis and help is sought.
- Thirdly spiritualists would check every part of the house, every room, garage, garden, to psychically check for energy wells or interdimensional tunnels that connect here to somewhere else.
At this point the spiritualist has gained enough impressions of the site to know what is causing the disturbance, and this information is matched to the verbally acquired information indicating who the discarnate spirits are and why they are troublesome. The clearing ceremony is a solemn and mysteriously impressive, somewhat sacred procedure.
The spiritualist leading the ceremony is only the intermediary asking for help.
The clearing of unwanted entities is done by spirits, by non-physical beings not by the spiritualist. In the same way that there are ghosts or hauntings caused usually by angry and confused individuals who are now dead. There are also kindly and wise spirits who enjoy the helping work they do. It is these good spirits who do the clearing.
The clearing ceremony usually takes the form of a seance with the living persons forming a circle, seated in full daylight or subdued light, it makes little difference.
The sitters are asked to visualise the room as being filled with white light of a brilliant intensity, there is a cleansing procedure followed by an invitation specifically to spirit entities who are able and willing to help resolve the disturbance. These spirit entities are usually well known to the spiritualist because they have worked together before on many occasions.
The troublesome spirits are invited to to go the light an experience similar to that described in the near death experience of a light at the end of the tunnel toward which the individual is drawn, next the experience of love and peace that surpasses all understanding followed by the free-will choice to either stay or return. The references to this light are indeed voluminous (Sutherland (1995 and 1997) Ring (1980 and 1984) Sabom (1982) Wilson (1987) and Moody (1988))
This tunnel of light is quite visible psychically to the skilled spiritualist.
Spiritualists learned these skills in the same way that all pre-scientific cultures learned them taught verbally and experientially from teacher to student and rarely written down. As we know the written form is the poorest form of communication, it is the poverty of language made more difficult when attempting to describe psychic information exchange, this language that cannot be spoken is a form of instant knowing a visual / emotional / intuitive information exchange.
The orally taught hand me down skill enabled its survival from Christian persecution over two millennia.
Moreover this telepathy between humans and discarnate intelligences appears to be the lingua Franca of the universe (Klimo 1987).
The development of Transpersonal Psychology, begun some 30 years ago, provides a framework within which an understanding of spiritual psychology is possible. Central to this is the work of Ken Wilbur in his book the spectrum of consciousness (1977). Wilbur describes how consciousness unfolds in a fixed identifiable developmental sequence. This understanding is further developed in the Atman Project (1980) and up from Eden (1981). In this autography of the Psyche, Wilbur identifies a stage he calls the lower subtle level of awareness. At this level individuals are able to transcend the limits of the body and access telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psychokinesis, Psi to us Parapsychologists. Out of body experiences, auras and astral travel occur at this level together with related phenomena.
Beyond this stage the Higher Subtle Levels give access to intuition, symbolic visions, perception of divine beings, archetypal images and forms, awareness of sensed higher presences, divine light and sounds.
Communication with non-physical beings in order to gain accurate and useful information from intelligences that have no physical substrate is possible at this stage of awareness. This ancient technology of appealing to a higher power for help, guidance and protection is very similar to the twelve step procedure developed in the international organization Alcoholics Anonymous. In this model of consciousness, if you are not hearing voices, you are not making progress. Transpersonal Psychology has for the first time in human history had access to the mystical sects at the origin of all religions and they are essentially the same, an attempt to map consciousness, a cartography of the psyche.
These are learned skills. They are human potentials. Jeffrey Mishlove’s book Psi Development Systems (1983) is a revised version of the dissertation for which he received his doctorate in parapsychology. Mishlove describes the three common ways of Psi development, accidental or spontaneous, it is not sought, non-intentional, as a by product of meditation or yoga for example and the intentional category refers to these disciplines, traditions and programs purported to directly cultivate Psi abilities.
I am pragmatic about this spiritualist technology simply because it is effective and lasting, quite simply it works.
CASE STUDY BANKSTOWN – JULY 1994 My very first “ghost job”. I had recently been elected the public officer of the Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research Inc. (A.I.P.R.) and because our organisation promotes research and public education into psychic phenomena I responded to a letter seeking help for a family beset with hauntings. I had no idea of what to do to be of any help, our then President, Dr Michael Hough gave me some contacts and also mentioned that exorcisms were not very effective. Marilyn Newman agreed to meet me at the haunted house with her trance control Harry. Marilyn is a trance medium who developed her skill in spiritualist circles. She asked to be shown through every room in the house and then accurately described the apparitions the family had experienced seeing. Marilyn described their appearance, clothing, body posture, the mother and daughter (aged 17) confirmed these details. The home had been owned by an elderly couple of Slavic origin who had a huge emotional investment in their home as it was the sum total of their life’s achievement, they spoke poor English and had struggled all their life. They didn’t know they were dead and resented this family being in their home. The father, an engineer, reported that the disturbances were worst when the family had been away for a few days leaving the house empty. On their return the poltergeistry would begin. They heard banging on walls and doors, scratching sounds, saw open doors being shook. During the middle of the night the curtain pelmet, being wrenched from the wall was flung across the bed and had awaked the couple. This had happened twice, the father had been making the bed one morning and been touched from behind, on turning around he saw no one there, this was too much for him and the family sought help from A.I.P.R. The son (aged 20) took the view that it was all a lot of nonsense. Marilyn had all of us assemble in the bedroom, this was the focus of the poltergiestry and was much colder than any other part of the house. She went into a trance, it was quite dramatic with Harry her control there to bring her back to full consciousness at the end of the clearing procedure. The atmosphere in the bedroom was emotionally charged and somewhat intimidating to the family, at the end, the bedroom was no longer cold. The next day the mother telephoned me to say that everything was calm, the house was now warm and peaceful, the whole family had slept beautifully that night. I had sensed a division in the family, the women were curious to know more and the men wanting nothing more to do with it. The mother telephoned again more than a week later to confirm the house was still peaceful and to thank us for our help. The poltegeistery had ended and there was nothing more to the matter. |
CASE STUDY CENTRAL COAST – JUNE 1994 A.I.P.R. received a letter dated 2 June 1994 from a mother seeking help for her married daughter and husband who had both experienced ghostly events and some poltergeistery. Close to the wife’s 21st Birthday she saw a bright light in the hallway from her bedroom, she said it was her Uncle Roger holding a birthday cake for her. Another time she felt someone sit on her waterbed next to her, she felt the bed move. Her husband woke up one night to see a man sitting next to her, on the waterbed, stroking her face. The husband never knew Uncle Roger so did not recognise him. Uncle Roger had died in October 1990. He had a very strong belief in survival of Physical Death and had vowed he would return to prove it. The wife also reported to me, a very bright light waking her about 3 am it was Uncle Roger holding a fluffy dog with a pink bow tie. The next night, same time, a very bright white light which hurt her eyes, Uncle Roger holding a three tier white wedding cake with a long large red candle. The young married couple were not concerned about the deceased relative, he was no trouble to them and they had a strongly felt affection for him. As is often the case there were other much less attractive entities present. Houseguests sleeping in the second bedroom reported bright green eyes staring at them from the wardrobe and later having bed covers pulled away from them to the extent that one individual refuses to sleep at the house again. Kitchen cupboard doors could be heard to open and close, there were banging noises in the roof but rattraps got two rats. Items would disappear and reappear days later in odd locations. A newspaper was thrown across the lounge room scattering all across the floor and pencils stored in a coffee mug jumped out onto the table. A musical box started to play, only softly, it had been unused for a long time and was not wound up. Other items would be moved from their usual location. The young wife would shout at the activity “Stop it, you’re making me angry” and the activity would cease form some time. Both she and her husband reported the sensed presence of a character they named “old smelly”. She said that she would walk through the smell of an unwashed, wine and urine, man. The smell would disappear quite quickly. Her most frightening experience was in her kitchen when she felt that “it was in her” she felt “the weight of someone in her”. Marilyn and Harry cleared the house. Months later Marilyn told me they had asked her to get Uncle Roger back because they missed him! In June 1996 I spoke with them to follow up. They reported their home to be generally quiet although both reported psychic phenomena. The husband’s grandfather had died in Queensland at 4.40 am and he was aware of it at the moment of death, also the wife’s cousin and great aunt had died, the wife telepathically aware of both events instantaneously. They seemed to be at peace with this psychic awareness and had learned to live with it now. They still miss Uncle Roger. |
CASE STUDY ROSEVILLE – APRIL 1994 Julie had telephoned me on 15 April 1994 seeking help. I went to visit her on 21 April at her home in the Sydney suburb of Roseville. Julie’s roommate had moved out because of the sensed presence, there was no poltergeist activity reported. On entering her home I sensed a female presence in the room at the left of the front door, the feeling of sadness was quite clear to me, a sense of loss of someone seeking help. The other rooms in the house, and the garden were unremarkable. This seemed to me to be a simple ghost job. I told Julie that we would clear her home as soon as I was able to get everyone together for a ceremony, I didn’t know when this would be possible, but soon, I hoped. I had decided to experiment with remote clearing. On Wednesday 24 April I attended the Enmore Spiritualist Church in Sydney, sat in on the séance where I was told the spirits who regularly attend the Wednesday evening session with the living persons only need the request to help and the correct location as formal protocol. No other information was given or sought. Thirteen days later (28 April) Julie telephoned me to say her Roseville home was warm and peaceful, the sensed presence was gone and her roommate had moved back into the house. She also mentioned she slept very peacefully the night of 24 April. |
CASE STUDY CROWS NEST – OCTOBER 1994 Our next request for help had some familiar elements to it from Professor David Huffords work. The terror that comes in the night – supernatural assault traditions (1982). Kerrie, (not her real name) the wife of an accountant living in the Sydney suburb of Crows Nest telephoned me very frightened because of an experience during the night when she was awakened by her husband Patrick’s (not his real name) frightened sounds during sleep. Kerrie then became aware immediately of an animal like creature an “evil growling, snarling animal sound, snapping wolfish”. Kerrie said this thing “wanted it to be known it was there in someone else’s body”. She then woke Patrick up. I interviewed them both a few days later. Patrick revealed that for more than a decade he had experienced, when falling asleep, and always in the darkness of night a sense of anticipation 4-5 minutes before each assault, the sound of footsteps coming along the hallway towards the bedroom and a drop in his temperature. Next he described “a huge ten foot bear like, panther or wild cat with dark green hands”. This was always very frightening to him because he could not move his body, his mind was alert, and he could move his eyes. Patrick said this entity purred like a cat, had no smell or taste, but he was aware of it touching him. He said he could think quite clearly, and avoid looking at it, the menacing entity always occurred before dream onset and always inside his home. These experiences began ten years ago initially as a black formless shape, “cloudlike with red eyes”. Patrick said he had no control over these visitations unlike lucid dreams where some influencing of the dream is possible. On one occasion he asked telepathically “who are you?” The reply came in a voice that sounded like his sister. “I am you”… he never discussed this with his sister and had never told his wife of these events until she had experienced the entity herself. Patrick reported no poltergeist activity, he had never played a ouija board, was not religious and had never been to church, didn’t know how to meditate and had never undergone hypnosis. He reported one dream he intuitively felt to be a past life experience and frequently had lucid dreams. The lucid dreams never included the menacing entity. He noted that by sleeping on his side he could reduce the effect, which also reduced his awareness of the menacing entity. On one occasion he was able to reach out to his wife but the entity threw his hand away from her. Patrick wanted to understand, to know what was happening to him. I arranged for a hypnosis session with Marilyn Newman, she suggested that this might be an uncovering process to try to understand what was happening to him. Patrick was an excellent subject. In a clear powerful voice, obviously not his own, he described events presumably from the past but not from any period of history I could recognise, about the titanic struggles between good and evil. I felt he may have been channelling, the voice was authoritative, good English diction, and quite different from the speech Patrick used. When he emerged from hypnosis he had no recall of anything he had said. Patrick sought no further help from A.I.P.R. and moved to a new address sometime later. Both Marilyn and I are somewhat puzzled as to what to make of this case, but lacking a therapeutic alliance we can go no further. |
CASE STUDY DOUBLE BAY – MARCH 1995 A mother and daughter had called A.I.P.R. for help with all manner of accidents and injuries that had afflicted the family, some employees, and their horses, some hauntings were also reported. At the interview both of these women were very controlling in manner and did not want to hear what I had to say. They would not answer any questions that would be of any help to us. I terminated the interview after enough anger had been projected onto me and suggested that they might phone Marilyn Newman. Marilyn later told me that these women both have so much anger and hate that they direct or invite evil spirits to harm other people and animals. They were asking for trouble. There is a spiritualist saying, be careful what you ask for because you might just get it. There is a curious connection here with a very famous poltergeist case in England reported in the Christian Parapsychologist dated September 1991 by Max Magee. I paraphrase here: Every 5th November in England there is a tradition of burning a human effigy on a bonfire similar to burning people at the stake, a punishment for witches for example. This is called Guy Fawkes night named after the fellow who received this punishment for attempting to burn down the houses of parliament in London some 400 years ago. Fireworks and food are also part of this annual festivity, which is always a favourite with children. Just prior to this event in 1974 two brothers aged 11 and 14 jokingly laugh “I wish our neighbour Mr King was there instead of Guy Fawkes, then all our troubles would be over”. When the brothers went to bed that night the household was thrown into agitated alarm by strange hammering on walls, scratching noises in headboards and loud shuddering banging throughout the house. The police were called. The downstairs neighbours, the Kings could also hear the noise. The poltergeist disturbances continued night after night and often during the day as well with objects being thrown, and windows smashed. The family was driven from their home by a crescendo of noise and paranormal activity at the suggestion that they call in help from the spiritualist church. A succession of clergy from other Christian groups had already visited for services of cleansing and blessing as well as pastoral visits, in spite of all this there were still explosions of violence. An exorcism lead by Professor of Practical Theology, the Rev Murdo Ewan McDonald from Glasgow University brought about four weeks of relative quietness with some subdued poltergeist events. In early January 1975 the family watched a horror film followed by a documentary program on poltergeists. Later that night the fearsome noise and movements started up again with sledgehammer vibrations shaking the walls. It seems to me that the family had unwittingly invited back the poltergeists by taking renewed interest in them. The boys were experiencing involuntary body movements. The boys’ beds were being shaken violently. Professor Archie Roy from Glasgow University witnessed the boys being thrown into the air across the room from their beds. On another occasion the younger boy was being held to the floor by his uncle in an attempt to keep him still. Max Magee commanded in a loud voice, “Stop this at once” and the torment ceased for that evening. Magee, in this case study describes how he interacts with these poltergeists, both antagonising them and pacifying them, later playing games with them. At the end of May 1975 Mr King died and all poltergeist activity ceased. I make the point again to be careful what you ask for in case you get it. Another common example is the unskilled playing with ouija boards. The novice asks “is anyone there” absolutely anyone is invited in. Stoker Hunt deals with these issues in his book Ouija, the most dangerous game (Hunt 1985). |
CASE STUDY – AUGUST 2001 Two young women, sisters, friends of my son had got into trouble with their ouija game. The older sister Rebecca is sensitive to psychic phenomena and after their game ended she heard a male voice calling her name and walking around her bed at night. This situation persisted for about a year, Rebecca would fall asleep with the TV on all night in her bedroom to drown out the footsteps and name calling. The sisters moved house from Parramatta, but the haunting persisted. I taught both sisters the spiritualist ritual of asking for protection and psychic cleansing and suggested they practice this each evening before going to sleep. Rebecca reports that the voice and footsteps have now ceased and her TV set is back in the lounge room and switched off at night. |
The hearing of voices needs to be discussed at this juncture.
In spiritualist circles it is said that if you are not hearing voices then you are not making progress. The skilled spiritualist is swimming with delight in the same ocean of consciousness that the schizophrenic is drowning in.
My own experience here during meditation to develop this skill was quite startling.
In the psychiatric model of consciousness “auditory hallucinations” are mental illness schizophrenia. Psychiatrists only get to meet individuals who are not coping at all well with these voices. Spiritualists by contrast get useful accurate information from these “auditory hallucinations”.
Spiritualists generally are high functioning individuals who hold well paid jobs, run their own businesses and are successful parents, they are not mentally ill.
Further insight into this understanding is provided by Clinical Psychologist Wilson Van Dusen (Van Dusen 1974) who worked for 16 years in Mendocino State Mental Hospital in California. He observed:
“Most of my patients seemed fairly sensible except for their hallucinations which invaded and interfered with their lives”. Further these auditory hallucinated voices would “find a weak point of conscience and work on it interminably” and “their malevolence and persistence in undermining the patient was striking”. Van Dusen again “their voice quality can change and shift, leaving the patient quite confused as to who might be speaking. When identified as some friend known to the patient, they can assume this voice quality perfectly”. Just as our accountant Patrick experienced in the Crows Nest case study. “Patients may have three or four most frequent voices”. Van Dusen tells us, “that perhaps 80% of these voices are persecutory and evil in intention, these voices lacked the ability to reason sequentially or think abstractly. Their voices were extremely repetitive and would attack an individual for years over a single past guilt. Indeed these low intelligence entities are a good deal sicker than the patients. In contrast “one patient described a higher order spirit who appeared all in white, radiant, very powerful in his presence, and who communicated directly with the spirit of the patient to guide him out of his hell”. “In one case I encouraged the patient to become acquainted with these helpful forces that tended to frighten him. When they did so their values merged into him, and the evil poltergeists, who had been saying for months they would kill him, disappeared. In a paper entitled Auditory Hallucination Coping Strategies (Carter, McKinnon & Copolov 1996) I came upon this curious statement “Playing games or musical instruments, focusing on something other than the voices, and listening to songs were the methods rated most highly as being at least partially successful.”. The strategies with the highest percentage of users claiming complete success were singing, using earplugs, and playing an instrument. Using earplugs to block a hallucinated voice? Very odd! Professor Charles Tart to the rescue again. “Any effect, whether interpreted as “physical or “non-physical” is ultimately an experience in the observers mind” (Tart 2000). So the mentally ill are psychic and not coping with it. These persecutory voices may be ongoing night and day and would wear down anyone who lacked the knowledge and self confidence to cope with them. Further on the issue of asking for help from guidance in the spiritualist model here is what Van Dusen observed in his mentally ill patients: “An unusually cooperative patient led me to ask if I could talk directly with her hallucinations, I did, and she gave me their immediate response”. In these dialogues with the hallucinations Van Dusen learned of two orders of experience self styled as higher and lower. In most patients one higher being would contrast to four or five lower voiced beings. “The higher order beings were light, as bright as the sun with a symbolic language richer than the imagination of the patient, these powerful and impressive Christ like beings respected freedoms and would withdraw if they frightened the patient. These light beings were supportive, genuinely instructive and communicated directly with the inner feelings of the patient”. Van Dusen would always encourage his patients to approach the higher order beings because of their great power to broaden the individuals values far beyond the patient’s comprehension. The higher order claims power over the lower and demonstrates this at times. Van Dusen describes this as the struggle between good and evil. He also reported the great consistency in what was reported independently by different patients. Also “the differences in the experiences of schizophrenics, alcoholics, the brain damaged and the senile were not as striking as the similarities”. Another consistent finding was that patients felt they had contact with another world and objected to the term hallucination because they experienced this as real in the same way that skilled spiritualists do. |
Now returning again the importance of being careful what you ask for we must consider
the Case of Kelly Cahill.
THE CASE OF KELLY CAHILL Kelly describes herself as a Christian in her book encounter (Cahill 1996) and she writes: “I found that the longer I was a Christian, the more intent I was on getting to know God, I wanted to get closer to Him and become perfect” Kelly would spend more and more time closeted in the back bedroom of her home praying, reading her bibles and seeking His presence. I quote here “I stayed in the room for about six weeks straight hardly eating and in the third week I was in the room praying my heart out to God for some indication that He really cared for me, and truly accepted me. I was doing this hour after hour and then I said a peculiar thing “Why can’t you be closer to me? I want you here, I want your pure presence”. “As soon as I said this, an incredible thing happened I suddenly felt a breathtaking, overwhelming presence in the room. A surge of energy washed over me, which caused my heart to race, my skin to flush, my hair to stand on end. I felt a tingling sensation all over my body and my heart was pounding so hard that I was on the verge of blacking out”. I stayed like that for 15 minutes solid, I was afraid that I would have a heart attack if I did move. During these 15 minutes it seemed to me that something was being poured into my head, like highspeed data transmission. When it finally left me I had the clear idea that my prayer had been answered by God showing me a small taste of His power.” When she explained to her husband what had happened he told her that he had seen a flash of light fill the night sky from horizon to horizon but there was no thunder or lightening. He connected it with what was going on with Kelly in her study room, and it frightened him. A few days later Kelly Cahill and her husband were to become involved in Australia’s most extraordinary U.F.O. alien abduction case. Prior to this event there was little persuasive evidence for the reality, the physical reality, of U.F.O. alien abductions. Scientist Bill Chalker dedicates a chapter to this rare event in his book. The Oz Files (Chalker 1996). The abundance of corroborating evidence, six independent witnesses, medical records, chemical and magnetic anomalies at the site, physical evidence at the U.F.O. landing site etc. This case was a real breakthrough in U.F.O. research in Australia. At this time, Bill Chalker was mentoring me through the strangeness of U.F.O. abduction cases helping me to keep my metaphorical feet on the ground in this truly mind boggling study. I had to ask the obvious question – has anyone tested these abductees psychologically? Nobody knew what we might discover back then (in 1993). The J Allen Hynek Centre for U.F.O. studies in Chicago USA was running a psychological research program at that time. Adelaide researcher Keith Basterfield arranged for a modified language Australian version which used the standard psychological tests, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Inventory of Childhood memories and imaginings (I.C.M.I.) and dissociative experiences scale (D.E.S.). In addition there was an abduction data collection form and an eight page CUFOS.SP. questionnaire on personal details. To qualify for inclusion in this research the abductee had to have been taken against their free will from what they knew to be a normal terrestrial setting into what they knew or believed to be a U.F.O. Next they had to have been subjected against their will to an alien “medical examination” and then returned to a normal terrestrial setting. There also required some corroborating evidence to support their claim. Kelly Cahill and sixteen others qualified for this study. Keith Basterfield advised us that the preliminary results showed our (very small) sample was consistent with the more than half a dozen such studies carried out in North America to date. As a group U.F.O. abductees are no different from any normal population with the exception of elevated scores (32% in our sample) of fantasy prone personalities who would range 3% – 4% in a normal population. Keith Basterfield has detailed the paranormal and poltergeist phenomena involved in U.F.O. encourters in the June 2001 issue of A.J. Para. I also remember Keith saying to me that U.F.O. phenomena are (1) Psyically real (2) Psychic (3) Interactive (4) Have a very high degree of strangeness. There is considerable uncertainty about some claimed U.F.O. alien encounters that may just be haunting and poltergeist phenomena. Unless there is an alien U.F.O. spacecraft involved we cannot be sure what we are discussing. The U.F.O. subject has been highly politicised by the governments of the United States and Britain insisting that it can be explained away as swamp gas or psychosis. Interestingly the Royal Australian Air Force comes to the opposite conclusion as detailed in Bill Chalkers work the Oz files, so named because he details airforce and government records under the freedom of information act. I am indebted to Bill for introducing me to Kelly Cahill and the others who are reluctant to talk to anyone of their experiences let alone complete several hours of psychological testing. Without their trust in him and his confidence in me this study would not have been possible. Back now to Kelly Cahill’s book where she describes the alien encounters. “The obvious question is why do I connect this to U.F.O.s if at the time I was sure that the event was related to God? The answer lies mainly in the presence of energy going through my body. It was very similar to the energy I experienced during the encounter, except that my interpretation of it was totally different”. This night time encounter with aliens includes these other related details. As these red eyed aliens advanced across the paddock toward Kelly and her husband she picks up their telepathic thought “Lets kill them next” followed by “an incredible physical energy that hit me in waves of vibration carrying the emotion of pure unadulterated horror”. She describes the redeye alien voices, flawless well-rounded, perfect diction, enunciated precisely in best English”, quite audible not telepathic. “We mean you no harm”. The beings voice veritably dripped with sarcasm. “He was haughty, arrogant and condescending because his power and control over us was undisputed”. Kelly’s husband asked “Then why did you hit Kelly?” The redeye alien replies “I wouldn’t harm her, after all I am her father”. Kelly took this to be mockery because she always referred to God as Father. These redeye Gods posses the same deceptive personas as Van Dusen’s lower order entities. I muse, could these be the Old Testament gods, the same gods who kill all the first-born children in Egypt? I found the U.F.O. alien abduction research somewhat frustrating because, as I said to Bill Chalker, all we ever do is chase about after the event gathering evidence and data as best we can. Worse still there seems to be very little we are able to do to help end these abduction experiences which statistically seem to be a young persons activity under 40 years of age. It is worth considering some of the work of Ann Druffel. In, abductions: An update (Druffel 1988 & 1992). Ann looks at techniques individuals have developed to successfully ward off unwanted contact. Sustained mental effort directed toward breaking the sleep paralysis by moving a toe or finger. The making of ones own sound silently within ones mind, somewhat similar to a musical note reverberating in the upper body and head. Prayer to Christian personages, Jesus helped somewhat, Archangel Michael a noted warrior against dark spirits broke the paralysis even more quickly. Duffel also notes “intense verbal threatening of these entities will accomplish the same result as mental struggle, certain meditative techniques and fervent prayer”. Interestingly one woman described merely “waiting out” and another mentally biting through the hands that clutched her. In these body asleep – mind awake states of consciousness the entities cover a full spectrum of obviously non-physical haunting types through to unmistakeably physically real UFO alien abductions. The most puzzling element to me is that Kelly sought direct contact with the divine and got the opposite. God, of course, is an idea, a recent Christian idea derived from the Hebrew, thou shalt have no god above me, meaning there were lesser gods also. In Buddhist mapping of consciousness there is no god. There are a multitude of non-physical beings, the good, the bad and the ugly but no one has come across a supreme being. The word god of course has so many meanings to so many individuals that the word itself is meaningless. Redeye aliens masquerading as gods? I don’t know. |
CASES WE COULDNT HELP Case One n February 1999 A.I.P.R. received a request for help from a South American woman in Sydney’s eastern suburbs who was experiencing sexual encounters with non-physical beings and enjoying them very much but was also fearful of the control they were exerting over her and she couldn’t decide which she preferred. Medieval literature speaks of sexual intercourse with incubi and succubi as being more pleasurable than normal intercourse and results in a more powerful possession than simply having voices talk to one. On my visit to her home with two other A.I.P.R. members she was taught how to protect herself psychically and how to cleanse and protect her home. I recommended a book to her for this purpose (Goldberg 98). She was peaceful and relieved when we went home. Some few days later she telephoned me to return and rescue her again because she was unable to say no to the incubi. I explained to her that there is nothing more we can do. We had fully explained to her the rituals of cleansing and protection, and how to avoid thoughts of incubi, and not invite them back into her life. We are not able to help those who will not help themselves, as recently as June this year she was still telephoning A.I.P.R. for help. Case Two A similar case where spiritualism is unable to help until basic psychological counselling and therapy will be accepted occurred in January 2000. A feuding family distributed across Sydney’s western suburbs were practicing psychic assault on each other using Black Magic or Sorcery. The family members I spoke with by telephone failed to understand they would need to remedy the personality disorders and dysfunctional family behaviours before any enlightenment will be possible. I refused to involve A.I.P.R. in this case. Such persons are clearly in need of guidance and society has yet to provide it. Case Three Continuing on the topic of unskilled use of psychic functioning, two young women in the Gosford area of NSW were sharing a house with their very young children and working as tarot card readers and clairvoyants to supplement their income. They moved into a house that they knew had been used by a group who practiced witchcraft and other assorted technologies to attract lower intelligence entities. Their vocabulary was littered with new age notions of sweetness and light about the God within us. Both of them were very frightened when they telephoned A.I.P.R. for help. During the daytime cupboard doors and draws were opening, doors slamming, lights flashing on an off as well as what was shown to me as blood spattered across several walls. When Mathew and I arrived at the house we found two clergymen, one a Methodist, explaining to these young women that if you don’t understand what you are playing with then avoid it completely until you do have a knowledge. The Methodist Minister’s understanding concurs closely enough to spiritualist concepts and I enjoyed listening to his words to these two young mothers. Mathew and I withdrew back to Sydney leaving the local churchmen to counsel. I am not a Christian nor am I ever likely to become one. Having read back issues of the British publication the Christian Parapsychologist dating back two decades there is not one account of successfully dealing with poltergeists or hauntings in the way that spiritualists have. There appears to be a repeated conflict in that publication between the reported disturbances and being able to reconcile that detail with the dogma and Theology of each Christian group – much religion and not much spirituality. Having said that quite occasionally I have met churchmen who successfully clear hauntings but request that it be kept secret from the church because of the politics. Philosopher Bertrand Russell (1957) makes the point that Christianity has never been interested in human happiness, its purpose was power and control, social regulation, winning the hearts and minds, a branch of government. Despite this I know of one Catholic Priest who clears hauntings and poltergiestry, he asks to remain anonymous because he doesn’t want the disapproval of the church. Another fellow who is a career soldier in the Australian Army has a psychology degree but risks discharge on grounds of psychologically unfit if it were known of his spiritualist activities. Science is the new theocracy yet its best efforts and most recent publication Hauntings and Poltergeists Multidisciplinary Perspectives ignore the work of spiritualist. (Lange and Houran 2001). In the afterword Gertrude Schmeidler asks “What research could lead us to a meeting of minds and a new hypothesis?” My answer is, training in Psychic Functioning. It is notable in the foreword that John Beloff “has never seen an apparition nor been present at a poltergeist disturbance”. The work of Lange and Houran is a highly technical re-interpretation of second and third hand data based around the Psychiatric model, which, while intellectuality interesting is of no practical use. Spiritualists themselves just tend to get on with the job of helping people and they don’t charge a fee for service because it’s the “good spooks” who are doing the clearing so it would be unethical to charge a fee. I found the spiritualist churches generally lack intellectual curiosity and didn’t like me asking so many questions, it’s a bit frustrating. Generally, spiritualists wouldn’t waste their time trying to convince anyone of the authenticity of their work, more the attitude of when someone is ready for this level of knowledge and understanding they will be open to it. Until then it’s a waste of time and effort trying to convince anyone of this reality of experience, parapsychology’s perspective on mostly historical with few recent revisits to the subject in text books (Irwin 1989) also (Edge, Morris, Palmer, Rush 1986) and scant interest. Our editor Dr Michael Thalbourne assures me this is the very first published parapsychology paper to claim success in dealing with hauntings and poltergeists. I find this most surprising. |
I shall next discuss a most unusual case we were unable to bring to an end, followed by two ongoing cases where success is slowly coming about. But before this a brief description of a trouble free haunting of an old large wooden house in the Sydney suburb of Guildford The house was being rented by one of our A.I.P.R. “ghost busting” team Mathew and his wife. At night they would hear shrieks of laughter and joy from small children racing about the house chasing a billy goat and other animals, occasional mischievous poltergeist tricks were played.
Mathew and his wife would talk to these small children, open up a circle of light for them to move on but most of them seemed to be having so much fun they stayed! Mathew and wife didn’t mind, it was fun. Research showed that their home had been an orphanage/school during the 1916 influenza epidemic that killed millions of people worldwide.
CABARITA CASE STUDY We received a request for help from a young couple in Cabarita a riverside Sydney suburb. The problem was noticed soon after they rented the house, an unpleasant smell would fill the bedroom of their children, whenever they played in there. Once they moved to another room the smell would evaporate, other phenomena like the doorbell ringing and no one was at the door, the outside light would switch on by itself. I went around to investigate and clearly sensed something animal like, causing my hair to bristle as if it was attempting to frighten me. This was quite clear to me. I had no idea what to do except to show no fear and be peaceful. I later spoke with Simon a member of our A.I.P.R. Ghost busting team, he checked with his non-physical chums who advised this would be a most interesting case to learn from. We met at the Cabarita house a few days later and detected some former humans who went off to the light without any fuss. This left us with the smelly room. Simon reported that there is an interdimensional tunnel that ends in the children’s bedroom. An interdimensional tunnel seems to be analogous with “wormholes in space” that connect here to someplace else, and sounds similar to the tunnel described in (N.D.Es) near death experiences and is also the light at the end of the tunnel offered to lost souls in clearing hauntings during spiritualist ceremonies. On interdimensional tunnels In 1988 I had an out-of-body experience in my home during a meditation at the end of an eight-week course in Kundalini yoga meditation. This out-of-body experience was in full consciousness and lasted 32 minutes clock time, because in my out-of-body state I could see the clock in my lounge room, hear the birds singing and watch the Ferry going by from the corner ceiling of my home. I could also think perfectly clearly and see Robb Tilley sitting on the end of his lounge in meditation. It was a Divine experience. The first time Simon came to my home he pointed to that corner of the ceiling telling me “that tunnel tips out onto the end of my lounge” which is why I ended up there (O.B.E) out-of-body. The inter-dimensional tunnel into the children’s bedroom at Cabarita had been accessed by what Simon described as gothic like reptiles, animals from who knows where, similar to a griffin or gryphons, the type of gargoyle seen on medieval churches and other buildings and when the children were playing in the room they would frighten these creatures and cause them to smell, skunk like. Simon went on to explain that he knows of no way of getting them to leave. Simon had conferred with his non-physical friends who confirmed that there was nothing to be done about these creatures except teach the family to learn to befriend them and get used to living with them and not frighten them. This is what they have done, come to regard them as family pets, consequently the smell has ceased. A most unusual case. |
FORESTVILLE CASE STUDY In some cases of haunting, poltergeists and psychic phenomena there is a process of psycho-spiritual emergence that can become break-through or breakdown. Psychiatrist Stanislav Grof has detailed this (Grof 1989) and also describes it as psychic opening. In October 2000 I went to interview a woman born in China and living in Forestville, her husband had sought help from A.I.P.R. and explained that about a year ago his wife went along to a Falun Gong Meeting in Chatswood where there is a large Chinese community. Falun Gong is a form of Buddhism high-jacked and politically banned in Mainland China by a paranoid government. After attending only a few meetings she experienced what is known in Transpersonal Psychology as a psychic opening where she was hearing the voice of Lee the leader of Falun Gong now hiding in exile in the U.S.A. She was also experiencing involuntary body movements images of Lee with a different voice, strange body energies and a sense of being controlled by an arrogant Chinese persona. She reported a hot spot on the back of her head and an energy spot below her navel. Similar to Kundalini chakra energy. She was admitted to Manly hospital Psychiatric ward and given anti-psychotic medication that she had been taking for one year. During this time she had returned to China and experienced the entity threatening to kill her, speaking through her mouth. After a year of this she was understandably depressed and dispirited as well as exhausted. A week later Simon and Hannah joined me in visiting their Forestville home. Simon rebalanced the Charka energies in her body and led a spiritualist ceremony to clear away the unwanted arrogant entity in white lighting the home for protection. I should mention here that Simon’s team of non-physical helpers arrived at the Forestville home when we were all there. His helpers, he calls them the good spooks, have a distinct energy signature I have come to recognise, it is a spinning energy that goes clockwise around the room and is quite unmistakable. The next day her husband phoned me to say that the entity was back and suggesting she leave her husband and get into heaven in five years time. I discussed this with Simon who felt that she was enjoying all the attention and is also a bit stubborn in that Chinese way, she had invited the entity back into consciousness. I also discussed her case with a Psychiatric Registrar who suggested increasing the dose of olanzopine that is usually kept low for Asian people because they are more sensitive to it. In addition some anti-depressant medication was recommend to lift her mood and self-confidence with the hope of internalising her locus of control and ending her sense of being a victim of this psychic assault. Her husband reported the anti-depressants are very effective but that his wife’s self-confidence was still rock bottom. Communication was somewhat difficult because of the Chinese/English language so I sought to find a Psychiatrist who was Chinese and also understood spiritual emergence as described by Grof. A big ask you might think. Well I phoned around and found such an individual through a colleague, a female Psychiatrist in Neutral Bay not too far from Forestville. By August this year her husband reported that her energy levels were up and she has regained most of her lost self-confidence. Together they were working with a group of friends using spiritualist technologies and asked a white angel to remove the arrogant entity they had nick named “Old China” and she has been free of him since then. She has discontinued the anti-psychotic medication but continues the anti-depressants. This is great news; she is very lucky to have a husband with a growing understanding of psycho-spirituality and persistence to succeed. I am encouraged that more successes like this can be possible and made easier by early intervention. I would be interested to know details of the full recovery of one third of all people diagnosed as schizophrenic who experience only one episode of illness and made a full recovery. For anyone interested non-drug treatment for spiritual emergence I can also recommend Harvard Professor of Psychiatry John Weir-Perry’s work (Weir-Perry 1974 and 1999). |
CASE STUDY CAMPBELLTOWN – JANUARY 2001 A psycho-spiritual emergence of a more benign type happened in January this year to a truck driver called Graham. Graham describes his health as normal now after a surprising recovery from cancer (multiple myeloma). Graham wants to know what is happening to him and his home. Usually on a Friday night he would fall asleep in front of his television, then awaken to find that the television, stereo, porch light etc all switched off. During his hospitalisation he sensed a calming hand resting upon his brow, which persisted until he was discharged and allowed to go home. Since he has been back at home there have been considerable poltergeist events of some violence. On Christmas Eve the backyard gate opened with an almighty loud bang even though the bolt and two padlocks were unopened. Consequently his dog, a Blue Heeler Queensland cattle dog will not go near one corner of his backyard. These dogs are noted for their fearlessness but it will not go near the Lemon tree that is in the back yard. Next Graham’s extensive collection of CD’s stored in a huge wall rack were ripped from the wall and thrown across the lounge room, then the TV remote control exploded damaging the wall opposite. A friend of Graham’s reported an apparition of a young woman walking in the hallway and lounge room. Graham is frustrated by all of this as no one will stay at his home anymore because of these hauntings and poltergeistery. Graham himself is not frightened by these events he’s just genuinely curious as to what is happening. Other members of A.I.P.R. were very keen to set-up all of their surveillance equipment and cameras with Graham’s full co-operation the results have been very limited. One member even slept overnight in the bedroom where most phenomena were reported but nothing happened. This seems to me to be a time of life opening for Graham who is still only 40 and now retired on a pension, with the opportunity to pursue the spiritual quest in good health and a strong sense of himself. His poltergeist case was still ongoing as a learning opportunity for all. Debbie Malone and Hannah helped to clear his home on 12 February 2002. The home has been very peaceful ever since. |
CASE STUDY PETERSHAM – AUGUST 2000 A young tertiary educated woman living alone in Petersham, an inner Sydney suburb, asked for help with a haunting in August 2000. She had got used to the banging and knocking, always three quick sharp knocks on furniture, front and back doors. Always at about 3am wintertime and 4am eastern summertime. On Australia Day, January 26 1994, she and two old friends slept the night in the Old Barracks on Macquarie Street in Sydney and went sailing on a Tall ship the next day just for fun. During her sleep on the second floor of the Old Barracks, second hammock from the north end, she became conscious in sleep paralysis, her thoughts were clear but she had difficulty breathing. She had a sense of being enveloped, being overtaken. Prior to being a barracks the same building had been a prison. Since that time she experienced repeats of the barrack paralysis often in her own home. She also told us of seeing the apparition of a woman sitting in her lounge room chair and a female hand grabbed her arm away from her face while reading in bed. Next the bedside light switched on and off three times in quick succession. She telephoned AI.P.R the next day. Simon took control of the clearing ceremony and identified an elderly woman, the previous owner of the home who had fallen and broken her pelvis, these repeated three sharp knocks were anxious appeals for help which were easily dealt with once she realised that she was dead, she went peacefully off to the light. The three characters she brought home with her from the barracks were less intelligent; I am reminded here of another quote by Charles Tart, “dying doesn’t necessarily raise your I.Q. These characters took about 40 minutes to go to the light, the other two not going unless the leader would go too! This young woman had no interest in psychic phenomena and had no idea why this had been happening to her, she just wanted to be rid of it. I received a thank you call from her in September telling me the house has been quiet and peaceful since Simon’s work at December 2000 she reports all is peaceful. |
CASE STUDY CARINGBAH – DECEMBER 2000 A house in Caringbah built upon an aboriginal sacred site in 1826 became the scene of another one of Simon’s successes. Details from the land titles office revealed this house had many different owners and our new owners had bought and renovated this old house for a good price. The wife noticed the agitated mood of her young children, and the tension between her and her husband who had a history of psychic experiences. Strange smells and fragrances were noticed, scratching sounds, footsteps on the roof, small phenomena like that. The husband saw an apparition of a female. The main concern was the effect of moods on family members. Simon identified the sacred site, because of an energy well coming out of the ground there in a vortex. He said the renovations in the centre of the house, blocking off interior walls had jammed the system. Complicating matters further an inter-dimensional tunnel emptied out into one of the children’s bedrooms. Simon commenced the ritual clearing in the usual way. I had not noticed the energy signature of his usual group of non-physical mates and mentioned this. He replied that they couldn’t be here now, they are busy – but that a different group were in attendance. Simon was describing the unblocking of the up welling energy and the entities emerging into the house, I had no ability to see or sense this, nor did anyone else. The tell tale was the home security system monitoring every room in the house, while all of us sat outside by the pool watching the electronic display indicating activity movement in every room of the house, this lasted for two and a half days. The youngest child became calm and peaceful and over time the family tensions ended. The home is peaceful to this day. |
CASE STUDY FAR WEST NEW SOUTH WALES – NOVEMBER 1996 I have saved the biggest Ghost job for last. Professor Charles Tart is one of my heroes and I quote him here PSI takes place in human beings, as part of a whole tapestry of life. Not merely as an isolated anomaly in the laboratory . Because of the richness of detail in this case, what I am about to describe is a case Simon described as his biggest and most difficult. Commencing 12 November 1996 I was contacted by a woman named Carol who made cautious enquiries of AIPR and sought help for her boss Peter, who felt slightly awkward and a bit embarrassed to ask directly for help. I was asked to meet Peter and because he was in Sydney we met the next day. Peter had bought a very large rural property of 80,000 acres a few years before in the west of New South Wales about 1,000 km from Sydney. The homestead is about 40 years old and is built on the site of the original homestead, which burnt down when it was about 80 years old. The history of the property goes back to the mid nineteenth century when the first white European settlers moved into the area and fought with the traditional landowners the Wongaibon people. In this struggle large numbers of aboriginal people were poisoned, shot or murdered before being dispossessed of their homeland. The property was haunted with considerable poltergeist activity and Peter was becoming a nervous wreck because of his state of mind and his mood affected by these psychic events. Peter knew what he was experiencing to be real, but this sort of thing was nonsense and didn’t happen in ordinary life, did it? The disturbances would start in Springtime, after the trouble-free winters, some of his employees had often seen the ghost of a character named Boxer Tops always dressed in grey bib and braces, the same work clothes he always wore for the 40 odd years he lived on the property. Boxer was from Yugoslavia and somehow ended up in Australia after the war with the Nazis in Europe. He reportedly turned up one day and asked the then property owners if he could camp on the property. They said yes and Boxer Tops stayed there until he died. He built a home of bits and pieces salvaged from anywhere, made a still and brewed his own alcohol, didn’t speak much English and was severely traumatized by the war experiences becoming a bit of a hermit. He was frequently in and out of Brewarrina Psychiatric Hospital. Small items would go missing at the homestead, two pairs of scissors a bottle of Worcester sauce, video tapes, spanners, fencing pliers, salt and pepper, peanut butter, honey and half a bottle of scotch. Cigarettes etc. At night Peter would hear someone running barefoot through the house, then the sound of two men fighting in the attic but when he went to investigate he was always alone. By this time no one else would sleep in the homestead, one fellow, Greg, left the property because of the frightening disturbances, another, a visitor to the property described being strangled in his sleep. Peter said he has become accident prone, chopping the top off one finger, cutting a leg with a chain saw. He feels as though his personality has been influenced and he doesn’t like people coming into his home anymore. I told Peter I would be able to clear the homestead as soon as I could get our group of people together, I didn’t know yet when we would all be able to meet. On Saturday 16th I met with Simon at his home in Sydney and we held a ceremony to remotely clear the homestead 1,000 km away. Simon psychically described old Boxer Tops as haunting the home, a sort of remote viewing. Another character, George, a young convict who escaped into the far west was also haunting the homestead and stealing all the items that Peter had reported missing. This rascal George had gone out to this district in the days when convicts were still transported to Australia. George hung around the Wongaibon people and got speared for his involvement with the women of the tribe. George would steal items and share them amongst his aboriginal chums. Boxer Tops fought with George about this theft, a non-physical fight in the attic. Boxer was very protective of his host’s property and resentful of George’s behaviour. During the ceremony to clear the homestead Simon asked that all the stolen / missing items be returned, we asked that spirit beings of love light and peace open the tunnel of light which Boxer was drawn to, George was somewhat fearful and suspicious. Simon persuading him that there were good pickings to be had at the light in the end of the tunnel. He eventually went off too. Around one o’clock that night I was awakened by Boxer Tops‘ presence in my bedroom. I experienced my heart glowing, radiant and filling the width of the bedroom, I sensed Boxer’s thanks for setting him free by introducing him to the beings of love light, peace and beauty and he was showering me with thanks. I was deeply moved. Boxer has free will, as we all do, to return to the light anytime and for a few years after this event I would sense him with me whenever I would talk about him or think of him, but I think he has gone on now. I went back to sleep only to be woken up at 3 am by George in the corner of the room. ‘You were right about the pickings’ he telepathed to me, and I haven’t sensed him ever since. Late the next day, Sunday morning, Peter telephoned to say that around 10.30pm last night he felt so peaceful and full of energy that he went for a run in the moonlight. I said, “Well that is when we finished clearing your home last night”. On January 3rd 1997 Peter phoned to say, “you’re not going to believe this but missing items turned up” . Three pairs of scissors in a cupboard, $1,100 in cash in a filling cabinet, a gardening book and even odder, a full set of Tupperware in the kitchen. No one on the homestead knows where the Tupperware came from but they’ve kept it anyway, they don’t know who it belongs to. Peter reported that the house was still peaceful and Boxer Tops is still seen around the other buildings on the property by himself and others. Twenty-two months later on 7 October 1998 Peter was in touch with AIPR again. While inside the homestead all was well, but once outside on the property or in the out buildings he noticed his mood and thoughts being negatively influenced. The cook Kim reported the same experience. They would go back inside the homestead and their mood would change back for the better. Peter sensed being “dogged by back luck” and becoming overwhelmed or at his wits end. One employee, David, described a gate latch lifting by itself, the gate opened by itself and then closed. On 12th October Simon checked with his non-physical chums who advised that since the traditional owners of the land, the deceased Wongaibon people, were all across the property. They had no intention of coming to Sydney for a clearing ceremony so we would have to go out there to do the job. So we made plans to travel on 16th and come home on 20th October. Our advice being that we would need that many days to complete our task. Simon and I arrived at the property about 11pm after a long drive. We sat around drinking tea and talking with Kim and Peter for an hour or so before going to bed. I had been asleep for about two hours when the noise of people running around the wooden verandah floor and the banging of flyscreen doors woke me up. It was still very dark. Next, three glowing beings walked into my room through the door, they were humanoid and a sort of silvery sparkling glowing colour. I could hear Simon snoring down the hallway and I knew Peter was sleeping on the other side of the house with a gun beside his bed. I sat up in bed staring at these three tall beings, one was very tall say 7 to 8 foot and the other two the same height about 6 foot. I sent telepathic messages to them but got no response, except the other noises were now quiet. They were staring at me, but ignoring me, this lasted for seven to eight minutes then they vanished while in full vision. I was having a cup of tea with Simon in the morning sunlight and mentioned this to him. He described these glowing beings to me. He described their height, manner, and the manner of soldiers on duty. Just letting me know they are here. “Oh don’t worry about them they’re on our side” Simon said, “You don’t think I’d sleep in this place without protection do you?” I was pleased to hear this. Simon later remote viewed the whole property and described a place, the scene of a mass slaughter of aboriginal people long ago. Peter said it could be one of three or four locations on the 100 square miles of property and we decided to go find this place after we had cleared off all the troublemakers, discarnate entities, in a few days time. I was in over my level of skill on this job, and Simon was too, he just allowed his non-physical friends to guide him, they said it’s to do with the turtle. Neither Simon or I knew what this meant so I asked one of the aboriginal men who worked on the property, what it meant to him. The turtle is symbolic of the source of all things, the creator; I translated this to mean the Gaia principle in transpersonal psychology – the intelligence of the earth. Everyone who worked on the property neighbours the local police officers and anyone who had experienced haunting and poltergiestery on the property was invited to the ceremonial seance that evening, I think we got a full house. After the sun had gone down about 20 people sat circled on the verandah, which is wide enough for everyone. Simon called in his non-physical friends; “the light brigade” I nicknamed them, and they arrived with their customary energy signature spinning around the room. A very large number of souls, discarnate entities former Wongaibon people went off to the light without a second of hesitation abandoning the Kadaitja man (pronounced Kadika). In Australian aboriginal culture the traditional men of high degree (Elkin 1943) were of two types positive and negative, the Kadaitja man is the payback man, of ritual killings and sorcery. This pre literate technology of the shaman exists unbroken to this day. With Kadaitja man isolated and extremely angry at being abandoned by his own people; there commenced a titanic struggle between good and evil. Kadaitja man wanted his traditional land and power over his clan, he w anted everyone else scared away and was doing a good job at frightening others away. The seance ended well into the night and people drifted on home. Simon was wondering what to do next, we sat out under the vast bright starry sky. Out there the land is as flat as can be for a thousand kilometres in any direction and the night sky is awesome being so far away from anywhere. The annual sky show of meteorites, the Leonids, commenced this night, falling in from space and blazing across the sky (there was no moon). We got no sleep that night. We had arrived at the turtle point in this contest between good and evil. A demonstration of the power of all creation for good. Simon would channel this energy seated on a chair in the kitchen. I could feel the heat coming off him from across the room, even in the middle of the day. Negative non-physical beings prefer to avoid the presence of good and move away, well away from the area when powerful energies of love unity and kindness are invited in. This is a demonstration of the power of creative harmony of the universe and its intelligence. Higher spiritual beings are from this energy and they have the power to overcome evil. Kadaitja man was banished by the end of the day. On the following morning Peter, Simon and I all got into his Ute and set off in search of the site of the massacre. None of us had much sleep and it was a hot day bouncing along in the sun, the mud and flies. After visiting three sites Simon call out “there it is!” as we crossed the concrete one lane bridge across the Bogan River. We walked to the site, a billabong with many shade trees; it is a pleasant place to camp, the river was low and its muddy banks one side a grey coloured mud and across on the western bank the earth is red ochre. Symbolic of the oldest earth on the planet the red earth of Western Australia and the new land of the east, here the division of water. From high up on the riverbank I could see the wooden pilings of the original first bridge across exposed by the low water. I pointed this out to Simon and Peter, they walked toward the pilings. Peter walking ahead noticed there a cold air “tube” slightly to the south of the pilings, Simon experienced this as well. They both scrambled up to where I was to get a better look. From here Simon could see an inter-dimensional tunnel, a tunnel into the dreamtime and standing in the tunnel an elder aboriginal spirit whom he recognised from a dozen years ago. This elder had told him then that he would be working on such a project as this, at that time it seemed very unlikely to Simon who is a city dweller like me. Interestingly this original wooden bridge is built only a few degrees off the dreamtime entrance to the tunnel. Symbolic of conquest on a subconscious level. Simon explained, “This is the site of the major massacre of Wombaigon, their favourite Billabong and access to the dreamtime. Kadaitja man trained in revenge killing and payback prevented his people from access to the next world. Seeking to terrorise the white settlers until they leave the land. It was time for Simon and I to leave the next morning after a celebratory barbecue and a few beers that evening and everyone joined in. Simon’s energy levels were still so high from the channelling of Gaia energy he couldn’t eat much and refused alcohol for several weeks until his body got back to normal. We drove the 40 km down to where the bitumen road starts and filled up with petrol. Two women operated the petrol station, when the tank was full they both stood together side by side and well back from Simon and I, there was a long silent pause. “Are you the ghost busters?” the younger woman asked “No he is” said Simon pointing at me. With a mischievous grin Simon zapped her with a shot of the energy still pumping through him, it made her jump, frightened she ran into the garage, the flyscreen door slamming behind her. I spoke to Peter in December 2001 and he confirms the place has been quiet and peaceful ever since our visit in October 1998. Quite clearly the spiritualist technology works and Peter is happy to be questioned about these events and confirm these details. |
Individuals mentioned in this research paper are willing to be interviewed by serious researchers on request and where appropriate.
The names of some people and places have been falsified to preserve confidentiality. Almost all participants in this study particularly Simon, who is a very private individual, request privacy and confidentiality.
Adding further to our knowledge is summoning apparitions of deceased people, the work of Raymond Moody in his book Reunions (1993 Moody).
Moody details the history of using mirrors and other highly reflective surfaces for the purposes of scrying.
He then describes how to build an apparition chamber; a room dedicated for the purpose of visionary encounters with deceased loved ones.
Next he describes the psychological process of summoning the specific individual in a session where memories are activated by re-reading old letters from that individual, viewing photographs of them and the handling of items of memorabilia, such as jewellery, clothing items, perhaps a locket of hair.
This activates the unconscious mind and mobilises the emotions, and as we know the best psychic functioning always has a high emotional content. Once in this state of mind we are instructed to sit in the apparition chamber, or psychomanteum, and wait, alone, with quiet confidence the arrival of the deceased loved one through the mirror and into the room. Moody does not use the spiritualist protocols of protection or cleansing.
Moody reports that approximately 25% of subjects saw a different deceased loved one than whom they were seeking. This is described in his own experience with his paternal grandmother. He comments that we get to see who we need to see not always whom we want to see. About 10% of subjects experience taking a journey into the mirror, and equally about 10% of the apparitions seemed to come out of the looking glass and into the room. In almost 50% of cases complex communications were reported as a sort of telepathy. “As though the apparitions and the subjects immediately understood each other’s thoughts and feelings without the need to speak”.
In about 15% of such cases subjects reported actually hearing voices of deceased loved ones.
Moody reports that roughly 25% of those seeking reunions don’t have them until after they have left the psychomanteum, usually within the next 24 hours.
In summary
I’ve had very good experience this past seven years that psychically gifted and skilled individuals are able to clear poltergeists and hauntings using only psychic functioning in collaboration with their spirit friends.
Nothing else is of any use.
This is a learned skill, a human potential. These experiments in clearing hauntings and poltergeist are repeatable, testable and are confirmable. This is the only way the reader will ever know for sure the truth about this psycho-spiritual phenomena by direct experience to learn these skills.
Otherwise the debate will proceed with predictable banality and no one will arrive at a meeting of minds no matter how clever the science employed.
Reader Contributions
Legend has it that on Sunday nights the ghost of a young woman appears standing in the middle of the road near the Deep Creek bridge on Wakehurst Parkway at Narrabeen. Have you ever heard anything about this one ? Why Sunday nights? … I don’t know.
The story was relayed to me by several different (unconnected) people who I knew in the early to mid 1980’s. Many of us thought it might have been the ghost of Trudie Adams who disappeared without trace in the late 70’s from the Newport Surf Club. But some variants of this story say it’s the ghost of a nurse killed in ad M.V.A. on her way home from a shift at Mona Vale Hospital.
She is supposed to stand still and then you drive right through her only to look in the rear vision mirror to see her behind you.
I got that tingling up my spine telling you this one …. funny about that feeling isn’t it.
Thanks for your great website
Peter Konnecke
Here is said to be a superstition that a woman is not to see her man off on the boat when he leaves, this is bad luck. I personally believe you get around this by hopping on the boat with them and sharing the load!
My most supernatural thing I have ever encountered at sea, was in 1998, when every competitor was battling the sea and the weather in the Sydney to Hobart and we were out in the same thing going to Lord Howe Island. Just 2 of us on a 50 ft boat.
It was my shift on the helm, and I was feeling really lonely.
I heard something in the water beside the boat, and it was a pod of dolphins. I started mimicking their signals and whistles and started talking to them. They stayed with me for at least 45 minutes talking to me and rolling on their side looking at me on the helm. It was so real and it was as if they knew how I was feeling.
Since then I have always felt kind of lucky and privileged, never again lonely. It has also not made me afraid of death out there, as I know I am in good hands. I feel a closeness, and I feel that they know when I come out, and I feel they are with me.
You can read some more stories on
Sibylle MacFadyen B.A. Registered Managing Agent Team Funnel-Web
Here’s a local legend from St. Ives, in Sydney’s Northern Suburbs:
The Garigal National Park, between St. Ives and Belrose, used to go by the name “Bungaroo”, presumably of Native Australian origin, and there was a camping site on Bare Creek on the Belrose side of Middle Harbour Creek.
As kids we used to be regaled by horrific tales of what would happen to us if we were caught by the “Bungarooster”, a huge carnivorous Yeti like monster that preyed on small children who strayed off the beaten path or fire trails which were accessible to all back in the mid-fifties.
In those days it was even safe to swim in and drink the creek water after boiling it. Many memorable camping holidays were enjoyed there only a kilometer or so from suburbia and completely out of touch with ‘civilisation’.
I and my wife and our three boys live in a largish terrace in Womerah Avenue, Darlinghurst, built around 1910. Like most of those houses, it probably functioned as a boarding house, or shared house, for many years. I have no real idea of its history though.
Late in the summer of 2005, my wife as leaving to swim laps one Saturday morning at about 10:00am. I was lying on the couch in the downstairs middle room, reading the Saturday papers . The room is a long way (20 meters?) from the street and voices from outside, on the footpath or street, sound suitably indistinct and distant.
Anyway, our middle child, James, who was a little over four-years old began to cry because my wife was leaving the house. He repeatedly sobbed, “Mummy don’t go”. She replied, “I’m coming back. I’m only going swimming”, and did a bolt for the door before things got worse. James came over to me, and put his head on my stomach and cried, whilst I patted his back and repeated, “She’s coming back, she’s coming back”.
THEN, a female voice (twenties or thirties?) piped up, about two meters from us both, in a corner of the room, and said “She’s coming back”. James stopped crying and looked around to the same spot I had also turned to look at, to see who had spoken. There was no one there.
Graeme Fernie
I was sitting on the lounge reading a storey to my then three year old son whilst my other son only a few months old slept in the bedroom at the end of the hall,
It was about five in the evening we were waiting for daddy to come home, my son was sitting on my right so we were at the other end of the hall to our right, in the lounge room. I was reading away and my son kept looking to the right, up the hall. I noticed this and kept drawing his attention back to the storey, still he kept looking up the hall, and finally he said “who’s that mummy?” i said “i don’t know” then trying to get his attention back to the storey he was fascinated with up the hall so we sat quietly for a moment i was watching my son starring up the hall, finally i asked him “what is it honey?” to which he replied “it a lady” i then asked him “what is she doing?” he told me “she was looking at the light” after another minute or so my son said excitedly “it’s ok she’s gone now up into the light” and with that brought his attention back to the storey, of which i then could not focus, and my blood ran cold and i needed to check on my sleeping baby, so as i walked up the hall looking at the light making sure it wasn’t going to fall on me or something everything was fine. the next day i saw my neighbour and asked if there was a old lady that used to live in our house and she told me that there was she died their when she was 98 years old and she was very nice but didn’t like technology, so she never used the electricity, only used candles and was always saving money, since then we used to smell things like burnt toast and my husband often got a push down on the shoulder when he would get up to go outside for a smoke. She was a nice ghost, lucky us.they say the young ones can see things we can’t, maybe because of there innocence.
True story although my now 11 year old won’t remember it i do.
Jo Hart
Urban Myths
Golfer dies after chewing on golf tees. | Apparently true. Tee sprayed with poisonous insecticide. |
Poisoned glue | Glue on bank auto deposit slips laced with cynanide |
One last kiss. | Common story where man is mangled by a machine and wants to give his wife one last kiss. Been around for 50 years or more. |
Mobile phone murder. | Little girl 3 year old is in hospital with a minor surgery and while she is on the life supporting machine it stops and she dies (she was also an only child) ñ apparently some fool was using his mobile phone outside of the operating theatre and interfered with the machine. |
Man goes blind | Man goes blind after his contact lens fused to his eyes after a faulty switch sent a current through his body. |
Pointsettia | Pointsettia trees are poisonous. No they are not! |
Giant Black Panther | Urban myths, you say? Probably the best one that I can think of is the “giant black panther” that supposedly roams outer western Sydney. There have many “alleged sightings”, but like all good urban myths, no firm evidence. |